Northern Jutland, a true Scandinavian adventure

Northern Jutland in Denmark, where the seas meet & greet

Northern Jutland in Denmark, not least of all the Eastern part, calls for your inner desire to meet a true adventure on your vacation, now Denmark opens again and welcomes you. 2 seas meet here at the very northern tip of Denmark: The North Sea in Denmark and the Kattegat. You can actually see the waves hit the shore in different directions. Often with a difference of45 degrees forming a V.  It is a wonder to behold. Denmark is a small country with a big heart. 55 minutes from Copenhagen by plane, and a few hours drive from Germany. With a plane ticket here in June 21 for under 30 Euros from Copenhagen, it’s a no brainer: The travel adventure awaits. And if you are into road trips, take the 4.5 hours from Cph and much less elsewhere in Denmark from, by ferry and all, and make it a car holiday without equal. There is the most beautiful nature, lovely hotels, campsites, lots to see and you think you have come home. And you are home: The most awesome place in Denmark awaits you. Let’s tell you what you come home to, Northern Denmark.

What can you expect on your travel adventure in eastern North Jutland?

Experience the special atmosphere in eastern Northern Jutland. Where nature is matchless with a wealth of nuances; and where history, art, architecture, and city life are in a class of their own. Here it is easy to relax and enjoy life, enjoy travel; easier here to find what you sometimes forget in a busy life:


Northern Jutland. Gammel Skagen

Northern Jutland. Gammel Skagen. (Old Skagen)

Ålborg (Aalborg)


Nordjylland.Toldbod Plads, Aalborg, Denmark

Aalborg, Denmark

Kattegat, the coast along the sea

Kattegat Djursland


Nordjylland. Læsø tangtag Let´s dig in and share the adventures of Northern Jutland with you in 2021.

Enjoy Northern Jutland

Incredible Rubjerg Knude 


Map overview

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